Sediment Control
Sediment Control
Sediment Control is not possible without Herculean efforts. Once soil and water mix and begin to move, it’s extremely difficult to separate them.
Jen-Hill relies on treatment trains. A plurarity of products with individual properties that are calculated to remove the sediment.
Every good project starts with Erosion Control (Sediment Prevention). How you build your site is the most critical element to managing erosion and sediment control. Finally, the products.
One of the best, if not the best, sediment treatment products came from APS (Applied Polymer Systems) in the form of polyacrylamides. These soil specific, blend-able, organic and eco-friendly products use natural attraction to remove sediment from stormwater. Used extensively in water and wastewater treatment plants, they were the natural choice for controlling sediment in run-off.
The common products are going to rely on grade and contour. Products like silt fence. Jen-Hill introduced the 1st high-flow 6′ high silt fence (Photo of Lewis Bumpus, Director) at the Williamson County Landfill. Lewis’s enthusiasm and adaptability improved the products success. With 45 acres open at once, the rolling hills of Williamson County were headed downstream. The high, monofilament, woven fabric passed 145 gpm/ft2 and was adopted by TDOT as “enhanced silt fence”.
After observing their effectiveness in military use, Jen-Hill introduced concertainer gabions to the shoreline market at Paris Landing State Park, and to the stormwater market at the testing grounds at the Williamson County Landfill. The fast construction (unfold and set up), individualized cells lined with geotextile (smaller rock for filtering), and the gravity of one meter of rock made them a perfect addition to stormwater. Used to create pump discharge basins and reinforced exits for temporary sediment traps the filtration makes them an excellent choice.