FocalPoint Biolfiltration

Spec Sheets and Brochures
Engineering – Design – Submittal

Next Generation LID
Modular Biofiltration systems “FocalPoint” is a high performance stormwater filtration system that utilizes the natural mechanisms of the soils plant and microbe complex to remove urban pollutants.
The modular treatment system intoduces biologically active biofiltration media (BABF). It is an integrated self-contained holistic system to treat contaminated runoff from impervious services by the unit (ft2).
FocalPoint is scalable and with the high flow rate efficiency of it’s engineered soils and the modularity and durability of it’s open cell “highly pervious” underdrain…storage….infiltration… system.
Originally developed as proprietary technology, the systems are now available in a tightly specified generic format.
Larry Coffman, the creator of Low Impact Development, and the developer of FocalPoint’s next generation biofiltration media, is the key to its high performance. The advanced media technology provides high flow rates, and high pollutant removal rates characteristic with traditional bioretention but with the option of increased removal efficiences for specific pollutant targets.
Media flow rate impacts system performance in all aspects, from scale and cost-effectiveness, to factors of safety, longevity and maintenance minimization. Infiltration flow rates for FocalPoint standard media exceed 100” per hour. Convergent guarantees it, and we prove it, through post-installation, and annual onsite verification testing. Jen-Hill will inspect it at no additional cost for the first year.
Jen-Hill provides inspection and long term maintenance under contract.